Honorable Mention – Porsche 930 Turbo

Do you remember the first car you recognized as a car?


Not all of us were automobile aficionados straight out of the womb, but I was taken with cars from a very early age. There are cars that stand out from my early childhood; my father’s Mazda 626 with its digidash, my Uncle’s IROC-Z Camaro, a model I had of a Lamborghini Countach, my Grandmother’s Chrysler LeBaron, and the Porsche 930 Turbo.

Of all the cars listed there, the Porsche is the only one for which I cannot nail down the origin of my connection. It’s the first car I remember recognizing as such, but I don’t remember why. At some point I did have a model of a Flat Nose 930 Turbo Cabriolet in white on red. But the car I very clearly picture when I think that far back, is a black on tan, BBS RS shod 930, stood perfectly in profile in my imagination.

I’m hardly describing a rare combination, the above photo I snapped at the Monterey Motorsports Reunion a couple years back. There it was, the exact car that had haunted my memory since childhood, and I still haven’t been able to place the connection. But I’d love to make a new one.

As of this posting, I have not had the privilege of driving a 930 Turbo yet. I have putted around town in a 3.2 Carrera, but not the famed Widowmaker. Perhaps this is a case of “Never meet your Heroes”, but I doubt I’ll be satisfied until the day I sprint down a twisty road in one of these.

What about you? Any perennial vehicular itch you’ve been meaning to scratch?


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